Doveleigh Care Ltd employs eleven activities and interests coordinators to cover the needs of the four homes.
The coordinators will arrange activities varying from trips out in the Dove Bus or in either of our smaller vehicles (Dove Bugs) to the sea side, gardens, theatre etc. or in house activities such as coffee mornings, topical discussions and Flexcercise amongst many others. The activities and interests can be directed to either group or individual activities, depending upon the residents wishes. Care staff will also arrange activities with their residents on top of those organised by the Activity Co-ordinators.
Suggestions for different activities are always sought, along with feedback to activities carried out, through discussions with the residents, resident meetings and through feedback forms.
Some examples of the trips out are:
- Donkey Sanctuary
- Seaton Tram
- Seaton Seafront walks
- Sidmouth Connaught Gardens
- Picnic tea and coffee
- Ice cream, Lyme Regis
- Ice cream, Charmouth Beach, and River
- Coffee and Donuts
- Pantomimes
- Otter Nurseries: Spring / Summer Xmas
- Beer Christmas Lights
- Swimming
- Pecorama Miniature Railway and Garden
- Library visit
- Axminster Wildlife Park
- Sidmouth Rotary Tea and Talk
- Axminster Memory Cafe
- St Gregory’s Thanksgiving
Various annual or occasional indoor events include:
- Emily Miller sing-a-long
- Flower arranging
- Celebration of the Chinese New Year
- Xmas Families Day Party
- Mince Pies / Mulled Wine + Carols
- Guy Fawkes Night
- Drum 4 Fun
- St Davids
- St Patricks
- Andrews Day quizzes
- Robert Burns Dinner
- Justin Daish 1950s
- 60s (guitar singer)
- Visits byZoolab exotic animals
Regular indoor events include:
- Holy Communion
- Whist
- Rummykub
- Bingo (Summer and Xmas bingo includes prizes)
- Art
- Card and Board games
- Memory Box
- Afternoons at the movies (+ ice cream)
- Music presentation afternoons (example – Movies / Light Classics / Marches and Waltzes)
- Family Skyping sessions
- Chat and general interaction