Recent News

New garden is a treat for the senses for residents
Doveridge has turned part of its grounds into a colourful and relaxing outdoor space with a covered area, so that residents vulnerable to Covid-19 could go outside without venturing out into the community.

All three Care Homes have yet again received prestigious regional awards from for being ranked in the Top Twenty Care Homes in the South West of England in 2021.

Celebrating World Hand Hygiene Day
During April staff across the homes joined with other care homes in Devon in supporting this project to celebrate World Hand Hygiene Day.

Sharon – new acting Manager at Dove Court
We are very pleased to announce that Sharon Chedzoy was promoted to the position of Acting Manager at Dove Court with effect from 1st April.

Pet therapy
Pickles the puppy and Bugsy the rabbit made a welcome visit. Residents had a delightful time making a fuss of the four legged visitors.

The Easter bunny, games, chicks.
Our hatchlings emerged in time for Easter. Everyone had a wonderful time holding them...

Trips to the Wetlands
Brenda and Mike visited the local wetlands. Mike said how wonderful the home and the staff are...

Ladies Afternoon Tea
Cream or jam first? We say the choice is yours.

St Georges Day
Thankfully there were no dragons to slay on St Georges day, so there was plenty of time...