Crossword group
A new crossword group had been set up by likeminded residents who enjoy sharing their extensive general knowledge skills.
A new crossword group had been set up by likeminded residents who enjoy sharing their extensive general knowledge skills.
Our annual Burns Night celebrations included the Address of the haggis was undertaken to the sounds of bagpipes. The Selkirk Grace was said before everyone tucked into the traditional haggis with tatties and neeps. Scottish themed music, a quiz and other Scottish themed activities were laid on by our activity team.
Dawn had an extra special birthday this month as she received her certificate of appreciation and bonus for her 5 years’ service. Dawn works hard to ensure our residents receive the best care possible. Staff and residents joined in to celebrate Vio’s special birthday this year.
This continues to be a favourite pastime. Hands and hearts have been some of the topics covered this month.
Jo celebrated her birthday with her Keyworker. A wonderful evening was planned for Jo to watch her favourite Opera ‘Carmen’. The evening was such as a success a “La Traviata” by Verdi is planned for her 3 year anniversary of living at Arcot House.
Topsy receiving her first COVID vaccination this month as part of the Government vaccine programme. At 108 years old, we believe Topsy to be the oldest person in the UK to have received a COVID vaccination.
These special sweets are designed to boost hydration intake. Our residents enjoyed sampling the different flavours of the fun and healthy snack.
Lockdown Hero’s. Our staff teams were awarded a personalised ‘Lockdown Hero 2020’ medal and certificate of appreciation.
Spreading some festive cheer and to thank our staff teams for all their hard work this year. Staff received luxury Christmas hampers.
Mince pie making was popular with our residents, which were then washed down with a selection of Christmas cocktails.