Trips out with Philip

The bus trips are making a very welcome return! A trip to Charmouth…

Easter at Dove Court

We had our annual Hatchling chicks over the Easter period.

What else we have been up to…

We have been having Scrabble Championships, Parachute Play, Garden Club and Elephant Day, where everyone had fun trying to catch doughnuts whilst wearing an elephant mask.

American April

The residents enjoyed American food tasting for American April.

Easter fun

It’s Easter at Arcot! So fun was had with an Easter Egg Hunt. Joyce and Val were the lucky ones but everyone had some mini eggs to enjoy.

Getting Arty

In the Art room we have been focussing on Geometric Art.

National Care Awards celebration supplement

Rob Munro
Editor, Caring Times wrote…

1 Year Anniversaries

We like to recognise service time with the Company. We would like to congratulate Katya, Abigail, Jessica, Kevin and Naomi on their one year service.

Staff ‘Thank you’ boxes

Staff were presented with thank you boxes as a small token of appreciation for the hard work they do.

Red Nose Day and Fish & Chips

The residents and staff residents supported Comic Relief with a day filled with lots of fun activities and entertainment.